For many people, the question of buying or renting is easy to answer. A trickier question for many people is whether they should rent an apartment or a townhouse. Solutions to that brain teaser require a closer look!
This is a really obvious thing to say, but it needs to be said: An 800-square-foot apartment has the same space as an 800-square-foot townhouse.
The different layouts between the two may make it seem as though there’s a big discrepancy. After all, the apartment’s square footage comprises a single level, while the townhouse’s square footage is divided between two floors.
That division is good if you want more separation between the bedrooms and the living room/kitchen areas. Sound doesn’t travel as well when it has to climb a flight of stairs!
But if you prefer ready access to all points of your residence, an apartment makes more sense. Single-story living is especially preferable for people with any mobility concerns, such as knee pain.
The square footage might be the same, but there can still be cost discrepancies between an apartment and a townhouse. Here’s why you might end up paying more for a townhouse than you would a similarly sized apartment:
A little land and decreased tenant density, though, are two key drivers to selecting a townhouse over an apartment. If such amenities are important to you, you understand and maybe even expect the added expense.
Any time you share a wall with someone, your privacy (and theirs!) takes a hit. Since both apartments and townhouses have this characteristic, neither can lay claim to the undisputed privacy championship crown.
A closer look brings the matter into perspective:
So, which is better: the apartment or the townhouse? Making that decision may not be as easy as renting vs. buying, but after some careful consideration, you’ll come to the conclusion that is right for you. Whatever you rent, find it on ApartmentSearch and get a $200 reward when you sign your lease!