Did you know that between 2010-2015, there were 109,000 apartment fires, causing 400 deaths, 4,170 injuries, and $1.3 million in property damage (NFPA)? Don't find yourself without the right information in the middle of an emergency like an apartment fire. Learn how to prepare, prevent, and what to do after an apartment fire.
This is apartment fire safety 101. Your landlord should regularly be testing your fire alarms, but whether they’re on top of it or not, you should be checking them yourself. Make sure that the batteries are working and are in the unit correctly. Experts recommend doing this once a month. Pick a date and put it in your calendar!
Take some time to think about the hazards in your apartment and remove them -- it’s better to be safe than sorry. Items that are likely to cause an apartment fire include:
Finally, smoking is tied to many apartment fires and is considered to be a fire hazard.
Take time to re-familiarize yourself with the information you learned during elementary school fire drills:
When you’re searching for an apartment to rent, asking your landlord about escape routes in case of an apartment fire should be a top priority. If it’s a great apartment but isn’t safe, it isn’t worth it. Make sure that you would know how to get out of the building quickly if there were a fire and if you were unable to see very well. If you live only a few stories up, you might want to invest in a fire escape ladder. Here are a few more tips on escape routes from the National Fire Protection Association.
If an apartment fire occurred, what would you do if you lost everything? As a renter, you aren’t responsible for the building, but you would be responsible for all of your personal things. That’s why we recommend having renters insurance. In the event of a fire, all of your insured items would be covered and replaced.
An apartment fire can be devastating, both emotionally and physically. After an apartment fire, make sure to do the following things:
Sometimes, one of the best things you can do after an apartment fire is start your apartment search for a new home sweet home.